1. Introduction: What is your project about? Which fascination sparked it?

I decided to choose the laser cutter technique. I want to create a sculpture with layers. The fascination that sparked this project is the creation of a sculpture from a vector drawing.

2. Goal of the project: what is the project meant to achieve? (awareness of something, a new or different perspective on a topic, a material exploration, a catalogue of techniques, a tutorial, a new evocative aesthetic experience, other)

For me the main goal go this project is to create a sculpture. I need to explore materials to find the better one, acrylic, plexiglass,, MDF, wood, paper... I need to find the best way to draw the shape of each layers. To find the different possibilities to cut and create layers from the draw. At the end, I need to search how I can stick each layers together to create the finale sculpture.

3. Relevance: why is this project important to other people who might read about it? What might other people learn from your project and documentation?

This project would allow other people to discover possibilities to create with the laser cutter but also create a sculpture by using one material. I want to create something in an aesthetic way but it could be also used for something useful. 

4. Context: which other projects are related to this idea? Where do you get inspiration from? (include at least 3 references with NAME, TITLE, YEAR of project and WEBLINKS if applicable.

- Watchmeflyy - Layered Wooden Sculptures - 2017?

- Gabriel Schama - artist who makes sculpture with layer wood


5. Expected outcomes: what do you intend to deliver at the end of the project?

At the end of this project I want to deliver a good and complete documentation, a explanation step by step and a prototype of my sculpture.

6. Activities and planning: list the activities you will undertake, and describe when you plan to do what for the duration of the project.

- Documentations and research about material and technics

- Draw each layers in Illustrator
- Cut each layers and find a technique to assemble those layers together

7. Foundational skills and knowledge: state the knowledge and skills you already have that will help you do this project on your own. List at least 2 tutorials you found that will help you get started.

I have already work with Illustrator and I like this software, I want to try to create something in real life from my vector draw. I learnt how to use the laser cutter.

8. Learning goals: which new skills do you need to learn to make this project successful? What kind of person might be a useful sparring partner in that?

I need to learn more about the technic of laser cut depending the material. How to create a draw which can became a sculpture at the end. A person who have skills with laser cut and sculpture could be useful for me with this project.

9. Support: what kind of support will you need? Is that support available?

- Laser cutter

10. Materials: which materials do you expect to use? Where will you get them? What's the cost? Are they the most sustainable option available?

- Paper / Wood

- Glue / something to build the structure